Vortex Flowmeter (Badgermeter)

badgermeter vortex flowmeter - VN2000-Steam-Vortex-Meter-Mount-(Compact)_low-res

VN2000 Compact Direct Insertion Meter

The VN2000 Compact Direct Insertion Vortex Flow Meter measures the volumetric or mass flow rate of steam, gases or liquids over a large flow range. The meter is a heavy duty design engineered to stand up to the most abusive environments inside and outside the pipe.

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VN2000 Hot Tap Insertion Flow Meter

The VN2000 Hot Tap Insertion Vortex Flow Meter measures the volumetric or mass flow rate of steam, gases or liquids over a large flow range. The meter is a heavy duty design engineered to stand up to the most abusive environments inside and outside the pipe.

badgermeter vortex flowmeter - RVL Series (low res)

RVL Series Meter

The RVL series meter uses vortex-shedding technology has no moving parts, and any potential for fluid contamination is eliminated by the corrosion-resistant all-plastic construction. Unlike meters containing metal or moving parts, the RVL is perfect for aggressive or easily contaminated fluids.