Ultrasonic Flow Meters 2020-11-24T12:48:30+01:00

Ultrasonic Flow Meters

Ultrasonic Flow Meters (DFX Series)

The Ultrasonic Flow Meter for liquid Hydrocarbons Custody Transfer Applications.
32 beams for ultimate performance.

The DFX series of ultrasonic flow meters is designed for high accuracy volume measurement of crude oils and other liquid hydrocarbons.

The M&T Ultrasonic Flow Meter is based on the principle of transit-time difference measurement. A pair of ultrasonic transducers, one located upstream and the other downstream, send pulsed waves in the liquid and an electronic converter measures the difference in transit time between the wave travelling upstream to downstream and the one travelling downstream to upstream. This difference is an accurate measurement of the average velocity of the liquid along the ultrasonic path.

The DFX-MM meter consists of two rings of 8 transducers, one located upstream and the other downstream. Each transducer of one ring produces 4 ultrasonic beams and communicates with 4 transducers of the other ring, so creating a 3-dimensional structure made of 32 ultrasonic paths.

mnt sas custody transfer metering - ultrasonic flow meters

The DFX-LV, is equipped with 15 paths only, and dedicated to metering of low viscosity products.

Thanks to the large number of ultrasonic beams, the DFX new generation of ultrasonic flow meters gives rich and reliable access to quantitative, traceable and accurate information on the velocity profile inside the metering section.

All DFX meters are calibrated at world-class accredited laboratories such as Trapil, France using hydrocarbons of similar viscosity to site conditions. Flow profiles can be compared between laboratory and field conditions for a unique condition based monitoring.

DFX meters are directly proved against ball or compact provers on a wide range of Reynolds numbers (laminar, transition and turbulent flows). They are approved for fiscal metering and custody transfer in many countries. In addition, they comply with the relevant international standards such as API, OIML and GOST.

mnt sas custody transfer metering - ultrasonic flow meters
32 Beam Ultrasonic Flow Meter
mnt sas custody transfer metering - ultrasonic flow meters
Inside 32 Beam Ultrasonic Flow Meter
mnt sas custody transfer metering - ultrasonic flow meters
mnt sas custody transfer metering - ultrasonic flow meters
mnt sas custody transfer metering - ultrasonic flow meters


  • Highest accuracy (up to 0.1%)
  • 32 beams design provides the best redundancy
  • Smallest volume requirement to achieve fiscal type repeatability
  • Compact provers and Ball provers compatible
  • Works with BSW from 0 to 100%
  • Has been successfully tested with GVF of more than 20%
  • Heavy oil: no need for big reducing nozzle inside meter body
  • Calibration on products at 3rd party at the best laboratories (example: Trapil lab uncertainty 0.043%)
  • Can be used without a flow conditioner
  • 3D flow profile visualization for best diagnostics
  • Calibration performance monitoring unique feature
  • Condition Based Monitoring (CBM) available (smart diagnostics)