Ultrasound Detection and Inspection Instruments
Assetmatrix Energy is proud to represent UE Systems line of Ultrasonic Inspection Instruments. UE Systems is the world leader in providing ultrasound instruments & training solutions for predictive maintenance, reliability, condition monitoring and energy saving programs. We assist companies worldwide implementing ultrasound technology in their maintenance & reliability best practices, by providing the right inspection instruments, the right training, license-free software and continuous support. By guiding companies in establishing and maturing an ultrasound inspection program, we assist them in achieving:
- Significant energy savings by finding compressed air leaks and faulty stream traps & reporting the savings opportunity
- Downtime reduction by monitoring the condition of bearings, preventing lubrication issues & identifying bearing failures at a very early stage
- Improvements in safety procedures by using ultrasound for discharge detection during electrical inspections, at a safe distance

-Manage a database of assets -Trend condition & create alarms -Leak cost, steam loss and lubrication reports

-Sound analysis software -License free - no fees -Diagnose electrical & mechanical issues

-Easily create Leak Reports -From your phone or tablet -Available for iOS and Android

-Easily create Steam Survey Reports -From your phone or tablet -Available for iOS devices (iPhone & iPad)

-Create inspection routes -Multiple applications -Connects to DMS software

Manage your data, create routes, reports and alarms – all license free.
- Data management software for industrial assets
- License free – no fees
- Create inspection routes for bearings
- Leak cost, steam loss and lubrication reports
- Trend bearing condition & create alarms
- Connects to all digital Ultraprobes and the 4Cast
Ultratrend DMS is a data organizing software for creating and maintaining databases that apply to all the basic applications performed by the Ultraprobe models 3000, 9000, 10,000 and 15,000, as well as the 4Cast monitoring system.
Users can select Generic inspections, Bearings, Leaks, Valves, Steam and Electrical applications. It will store and organize records, provide reports, alarms and graphs.
Users will be able to transmit data from the Ultraprobe to a computer or from a computer to the Ultraprobe via a USB connection or SD card (Ultraprobe 10,000 and 15,000).
The Ultratrend DMS software package supports internet communication with the 4Cast monitoring system. 4Cast is a unique system that continuously logs bearing data and bearing sounds. At pre-set intervals, all stored data and sound samples are sent to a computer for reporting and analysis.
DMS Interface
The DMS Interface is similar in appearance and operation to Windows Explorer providing users with a “Record Hierarchy” view of the data and the ability to sort, organize and archive records.
The record hierarchy is: Plant—Application—Group—Location/Machine—Record. Each Record will maintain fields, which contain basic inspection data as well as a subsection for historical information. The hierarchy design of the program provides users with the capability of ever expanding data management.
The DMS Interface includes the 4Cast Editor, which is the configuration tool for interacting with 4Cast devices.
Ultratrend DMS makes it easy for the user to create reports about the data collected by the Ultraprobes or 4Cast. All reports are created in Excel file format. Examples of reports that can be created:
- Leak cost report & potential savings
- Steam loss report
- Bearings’ condition report, including alarms
- Lubrication reports
Together with the 4Cast system, DMS is a powerful tool when it comes to creating & using alarms about the condition of bearings.
Users can create low or high alarms for each bearing and receive an e-mail warning when an alarm threshold is reached, providing a truly 24/7 monitoring solution.
The Ultratrend DMS software is free of licenses or fees and is a must-have for those using Ultraprobes or the 4Cast.

Identify specific mechanical & electrical faults by performing sound spectrum analysis
- Perform sound spectrum analysis
- License free – no fees
- Bearing fault calculator
- FFT & Time Series views
- Identify electrical failures: corona, arcing, tracking
- Very useful for slow speed bearings
A spectrum analyzer creates a visual image of sound. It displays the amplitude and frequency components of a recorded sound in a screen that looks similar to that of an oscilloscope (an oscilloscope shows time and amplitude).
The Spectralyzer software provides the user with the tools for performing basic spectral analysis on audible sound images. The program displays spectral (FFT), time series, dual (FFT and time series), waterfall and parametric information on 5 main display windows.
- Real-time: In the real-time mode you can use the Spectralyzer as an oscilloscope in that the spectrum will be viewed as it plays a sound.
- Record mode: In the record mode you will be able to record your sounds. Make sure that the sound source (your Ultraprobe) is plugged into the mic jack of your computer. In this mode you can record and
save your recordings. - Playback Mode: In Playback Mode you can open previously recorded wave files and analyze them. You can select overlays and compare up to four wave files. Previously saved configurations can be opened for analysis.
Bearing Fault Calculator
The Bearing Fault Calculator is a tool to help quickly estimate the type of fault in either: outer race, inner race, ball pass or cage. It can be also used to get an indication of the actual motor speed by using the Set RPM button.
Spectralyzer is an essential tool for inspectors looking to accurately diagnose electrical or mechanical faults.
Specifications overview Spectralyzer
LeakSurvey App

Easily create Leak Survey reports from your mobile device
- Easily create Leak Reports
- Reports created from phone or tablet
- Leak location photos
- Estimated CFM loss
- Up-to-date cost avoidance
- Specialty gases like Argon, Helium etc.
The LeakSurvey app lets the user create a compressed air leak survey report.
Once leaks are identified and information is entered, the data can be used to generate a comprehensive excel report that includes:
- Estimated CFM loss
- Up-to-date cost avoidance
- Leak location photos (taken with your smartphone or tablet)
- Greenhouse gas reductions.
Survey quality assurance is optimized by identifying leaks that have been repaired and leaks that have not been repaired.
Also works with specialty gases like Argon, Helium etc.
This app works with all digital Ultraprobes from UE Systems.
Create an extensive report for your Leak Surveys using your phone or tablet
Specifications overview LeakSurvey app
Steam Trap App

Easily create Steam Trap Survey reports from your mobile device
- Easily create Steam Survey Reports
- Reports created from phone or tablet
- Steam Trap location photos
- Estimated steam loss
- Estimated cost per steam trap
- Reports with extensive Steam Trap info
The Stream Trap app lets the user create a steam trap survey report.
Once traps are identified and information is entered, the data can be used to generate a comprehensive Excel report include estimated steam loss, lbs/hour and steam trap location photos (taken with your smartphone or tablet).
This app works with all Ultraprobes manufactured from UE Systems Inc.
Create an extensive report for your Steam Trap Surveys using your phone or tablet
Specifications overview Steam Trap app

Easily create inspection routes from your mobile device
- Easily create inspection routes
- Consult routes on your mobile device
- For different applications (bearings, leaks…)
- Available for iOS and Android
- Connects with DMS software
- Intuitive and easy to use
The RouteBuilder App is designed to provide an easy way to create new groups or route for the use of your Ultratrend DMS software.
It requires Ultratrend DMS version 6.1 or higher. It works with the Ultraprobe 9000, Ultraprobe 10,000 and Ultraprobe 15,000.