Ultrasonic Testing Instruments

novotest Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-1M

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-1M

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-1M is used for operational non-destructive testing of the thickness of products with one-way access, at the moment this method is the most common in the world for solving such tasks.

novotest Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-1M-IP

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-1M-IP

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-1M-IP is a special version of ultrasonic thickness gauge, it is designed to measure the thickness of various materials and products for one-way access in difficult climatic conditions – in dusty rooms, in high humidity, in the rain – when the use of a conventional ultrasonic thickness gauge is impossible.

novotest Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-1M-ST

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-1M-ST

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-1M-ST is a special version of the thickness gauge in a metal enclosure, which is designed for extreme operating conditions, when there is a possibility of the device dropping or other damage of the unit during operation. The durable aluminum bodies profile withstands high static and dynamic compression loads, which allows the operator to use the device “carelessly”.

novotest Reference Blocks

Reference Blocks

V1 and V2 – are common used reference (calibration) blocks for UT testing.

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector NOVOTEST UD3701

The Ultrasonic Flaw Detector NOVOTEST UD3701 is designed to detect internal defects, such as discontinuities and heterogeneities of materials in products and welds, determine coordinates and evaluate defect parameters, measure thickness and the velocity of propagation and attenuation of ultrasonic waves in the materials (metals, plastics, glass and etc.), the search for places of corrosion, cracks, internal delamination and other defects.

novotest Ultrasonic Flaw Detector NOVOTEST UD2301

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector NOVOTEST UD2301

An ultrasonic flaw detector is designed to search for voids and inhomogeneities inside the materials under testing with ultrasound. It is the most common device in the world for non-destructive testing of metal (and other materials with low attenuation of ultrasonic waves) products in production, as well as objects in operation.

UT-Probes (Transducers)

We produce probes (transducers) of  general type, and special-purpose, standard and custom: straight beam, angle beam, dual element, ground in and others.

All the transducers are designed for using with ultrasonic flaw detectors.

novotest EMAT Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-3M-EMA


EMAT Thickness Gauge NOVOTEST UT-3M-EMA is a new development of the NOVOTEST company, which will allow our users to solve not only the standard tasks of testing the thickness of metal products, but also to carry out tests in cases where traditional methods, such as piezo-ultrasonic, laser-optical, X-ray, mechanical, etc. – not applicable.

novotest Calibration Blocks

Calibration Blocks

Calibration blocks of enterprises with notches are used to configure the sensitivity and duration of scan of ultrasonic flaw detectors for testing of various products (mainly flat sheets and pipes).

Thickness Gauge Calibration Blocks

Set of KUSOT-180 ultrasonic thickness calibration blocks is intended for examination and for initial inspection at manufacturing of ultrasonic contact thickness gauges.